"The Act of Worship" March 31 Readings: 2 Samuel 22-24, Psalm 95

Today's Reading - 2 Samuel 22-24, Psalm 95 Background Our readings today wrap up the life of David in 2 Samuel, recording the second of his two major sins. This time, he numbered the fighting men. Though this seemed like a small thing, it was big to God, because it was an act of pride and self-reliance instead of dependence on God. Devotional - The Act of Worship Wow, we had a great worship service today! What do people mean when they say that? Usually, they mean that there was a full building and great enthusiasm. Maybe the music was rocking and they felt a sense of God's presence. Perhaps they refer to the sermon that the pastor preached when we opened the word of God and delivered the truth from heaven to the lives we live on earth. And all of that matters. It matters that our hearts are lifted up in exaltation to God. Too many evangelical churches treat emotion like a disease. It ought never be the engine of worship, but if our time in God's presence with the Body of Ch...