"The Lord Reigns" March 14 Readings: 1 Chronicles 6, Psalm 81, 88, 92-93

Today's Reading - 1 Chronicles 6, Psalm 81, 88, 92-93


Odd thing in today's reading. In the genealogies in Chronicles, we see in 6:33 the mention of Heman who is a singer and then we see Psalm 88 attributed to someone by that same name. He was likely the same man and likely part of the Sons of Korah who helped in the worship in God's house.

One of the things we see in the Psalms and in the commands of Scripture about music is the tremendous variety of biblical music. Some is loud; some is soft. Some is vibrant; some is a dirge. Celebratory and lament. We have seen so many fights about what kind of music ought to be used to worship God and the biblical answer is generally yes! Worship God with all kinds of music - just worship him.

On the other hands, the music in the worship of God was no free-for-all. There were regulations. We don't know exactly what they were but the musicians, according to verse 32, ministered with music, "according to the regulations given to them." They honored God and focused their attention on him. They played with skill and focus. And God was glorified.

Devotional - The Lord Reigns

It is often easy to forget, as we wend our way through this wicked world, who sits enthroned above it all. We get to thinking that powerful men with their schemes are behind everything and that nothing can be done. But it is good for us to remind ourselves that there is one seated on the throne and his rule is in no danger.

Psalm 93 is often called an "Enthronement Psalm," along with Psalm 47, and Psalms 95-99. These psalms have a dual purpose. First of all, they remind us who runs the show.
The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty;the Lord is robed, enveloped in strength.The world is firmly established;it cannot be shaken.Your throne has been establishedfrom the beginning; you are from eternity. Psalm 93:1-2
Our God is not fighting for control. He is not running for office or seeking our support. He reigns - robed in majesty and enveloped in strength. His dominion is firmly established and cannot be shaken now or in eternity. He is in control.

But there is another purpose for these Enthronement Psalms - they point forward to the future kingdom of the Messiah. Not only is God's rule heavenly but it will one day be realized here on earth. Every time you hear someone talk about being on the right side of history remember that there is only one right side. History's end has been written and it concludes with the Messiah riding out of heaven in glory to strike down all his foes and to establish his earthly reign that will lead soon into his eternal reign.

This world has a king. He doesn't reside in Washington or Moscow or the Middle East. He isn't a corporate magnate or an entertainment guru. The King came and lived a perfect life and died for our sins. He paid for all our sins and then died, but God raised him and exalted him and now he is Lord of all. He is the judge of the living and the dead, the one to whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess.

The throne is full, my friend. And the one on it loves us!

Thank you, Lord, for being sovereign, powerful, and loving. 

Think and Pray

Are there situations in life that have you worried?
Remember that Jesus is enthroned and trust in him.
Reflect on what it means that the King of all the Universe loves you infinitely.


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