"God Laughs at Conspiracy Theories" March 15 Readings: 1 Chronicles 7-10, Psalm 102-104

Today's Reading - 1 Chronicles 7-10, Psalm 102-104


Today we wrap up the scintilating trek through the genealogies of 1 Chronicles! Chapter 10 records the story of Saul's death.

Our Psalms are again focused on turning to God in difficult times.

Devotional - God Laughs at Conspiracy Theories

He was making the rounds back in my college days, talking about the "Illuminati" - the cabal of witches and warlocks he'd once been a part of who secretly ran the entire world. The story was terrifying and captivating. He then revealed his biggest secret. Just before his conversion, in one of their super-secret meetings, they had announced that the Antichrist was ready to be revealed and take his place on the world stage. His name was...wait for it...James Earl Carter.  I was no fan of Jimmy Carter then and I've not been a fan of much of his ideas since, but it is safe to say that one thing he is not is the Antichrist!

Of course, within a couple of years, John Todd was revealed as the huge fraud we should have known him to be. He faded into the woodwork; more specifically into aberrant  theology, weird politics, and eventually went to prison for rape.

But others follow in his footsteps. We are always so worried about this group or that group who are trying to take over the world. Hitler had his "Jewish bankers" that he blamed everything on. For much of my life we were worried about the spread of communism. Now, we see the global spread of militant Islam and wonder what is going on all around us in secret to further that cause. Both political parties accuse the other of using subterfuge in carrying out their plans.

Conspiracy. Power groups. War lords. Despots. Who is pulling the strings? Who is running the show? Today's readings are an eclectic collection. Isaiah speaks of God's judgment on the nations. The passage in 1 Corinthians is about marriage, singleness and sexual issues. But a verse in the Psalms portion struck me as I read it. I'm lifting it out of context, just a little, but I think I am making a point that is valid from Psalm 104:9.
You set a boundary that they may not pass,
    so that they might not again cover the earth.
This is talking about God's creative act, how he brought the dry land out of the sea and set their boundaries. When the Great Flood came, it was at God's command. God created this world and it responds to his commands. "You set the boundaries." God is in charge. He made the world and it runs according to his will.

It is not too much of a stretch to lift that principle out of its context and apply it to world affairs. While this verse does not speak to that, the principle applies. "You set the boundaries," Lord. Worldwide conspiracies do not run the world. Jewish bankers do not decide the fate of the world, Mr. Hitler (and all the anti-Semites who have followed). It is God who sets the boundaries. 

I'm put in mind of Psalm 2, which opens with the question, "Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?" Dictators think they can take over and rule. Right now ISIS is acting as if they are an unstoppable force, raging through the Middle East with an unspeakable brutality. Others came before them. Others will follow. 

Is God afraid? Is he intimidated at the power of these nations? Not according to Psalm 2:4. 
He who sits in the heavens laughs;   

the Lord holds them in derision.
To God, these skeptics who think they can banish Christianity with reason are fools to be mocked. To God, these self-appointed potentates are children pretending to be super-heroes. He laughs at them. They are not to be feared. God is on his throne and no one can threaten him! Nations come and rulers go, but God continues to work out his sovereign plan in this world.

He sets the boundaries and he asks us to call him Abba! There is great comfort in that, is there not?

Thank you, Father, that you are a God I can trust, one who laughs at those who think they can threaten your throne! May I not be afraid of those who inspire nothing but derision from you!

Think and Pray

As you walk through a difficult and challenging world, is your faith in Jesus Christ at all times?


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