Year 12 of "Dave Miller's 'Through the Bible Challenge'"


Reading the Bible in 2025

I am pretty sure that this is Year 12 of my Daily Devotional program. If you've been following along, you will realize that I have reused a LOT of the devotionals. Were I a better person, I'd write a new one every day, but it takes enough time just to post these! I do update and revise them, and write something new when the mood hits!

This year, we are back to our original format, a portion of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs every day. 

Two instructions: 

1. The most important thing is reading God's word! Start out by reading the Scriptures. If you have time my devotional, give is a gander. That's the first thing to cut from your busy schedule, even when the reading is genealogies, or the lists of sacrifices or other strange things in Leviticus! God's word first!

2. If you get behind, that will make you normal. Don't get too worried about it. Just read today's readings and catch up as you can. There are no brownie points for reading the Bible in one year. There is power from reading and absorbing the truths of God's word. Just keep plugging on. The key is faithfulness, perseverance. Don't give up on reading God's word because you fell behind a little. 

Don't let pharisaism rob you of the joy and power of reading God's word!


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