"Do Demons Know My Name?" October 5 Readings: Acts 18:23-19:40


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2024

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles.  The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but we will give more emphasis to the New Testament, spending half the year in the Old Testament and half in the New. 

Bible Readings: Acts 18:23-19:40


We are back into the book of Acts for one day to read of Paul's third missionary journey. As you might recall, Paul wrote three books on the third journey (one on the first - Galatians, two on the second - 1 & 2 Thessalonians). He wrote to a church he had visited which gave him a lot of trouble, the Corinthian church and he also wrote to Rome, where he'd never been but intended to go. Those letters were written on this trip. After today's reading, we will spend a few weeks reading those three books (Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians). 

The bulk of Paul's time on this journey and all of today's stories took place in Ephesus.  This church was one of his two greatest success stories (Philippi was the other) from his missionary work. Corinth, though beloved, was his problem child. 

Daily Devotional: 

Sometimes we can find humor even in tragic circumstances, but even more importantly, we can find life lessons. The story of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13-19 is one such story.

We know precious little about them, except that they were itinerant Jewish exorcists. Were they charlatans? Sincere but misguided? We will not know until heaven, but we do know that they saw something happening in Paul's ministry and were deeply impressed. In verses 11-12, we find that this time in Ephesus was a time of amazing miraculous works for Paul. He was teaching in the Hall of Tyrannus (no one knows for sure what that is) and he was performing miracles galore. He was also casting out demons for those who came to him. That impressed Sceva's seven sons.

So, when confronted with a man who was possessed by a demon, they decided to invoke the name of Jesus whom they had heard Paul preach.
"I command you by the Jesus that Paul preaches!" 
They thought that they could tap into that extraordinary power that was at work in Paul's ministry. It did not work out that way though. Instead, the demonic spirit turned on them and said something interesting.
"I know Jesus, and I recognize Paul - but who are you?" 
The rest of the story is sad and scary, but also intriguing. The man with the evil spirit attacked them, beat them up and they went running away naked from the scene. Demons are real and are not to be messed with. We have no power over them except that of our Savior and Lord. They did not realize this and it was a lesson painfully learned.

Return to the statement of the demon. What is amazing in the New Testament is how much truth demons speak! The clearest confessions of the person of Christ in the gospels are made by demons in the terror at coming face to face with the Son of God. (Note: proper doctrine is not all that is necessary. The best doctrine in the gospels comes from demons! It must be accompanied by faith!) Here, the demon gave us a thought we ought to remember.

He admitted that he knew Jesus. Demons are evil and awful and powerful and terrifying, but make no mistake about it; they know who Jesus is. Twice in my life, I've had encounters with the demonic, and both times the power of Jesus Christ (certainly not my power) prevailed. Jesus reigns over demons and they know it. That is why they cried out when they saw him. They knew who he was and that they were no match for his truth and his power. Demons know Jesus and they are terrified of him. It is silly for Christians to live in fear of demons and the demonic. They fear the Jesus who dwells in us!

The second part of that is what we need to hear. "I recognize Paul." The demons knew Jesus and they feared him, but they were also aware of Paul. Paul had been a pain in the neck to the forces of darkness! They knew he was a servant of the Jesus they feared so much.

I wonder if the demonic forces that hang out in Eastern Nebraska (and I have no doubt there are many!) know who I am. I am no Paul, but am I one of the seven sons of whom they had no knowledge? Has my life, my ministry, made enough of a difference in this city that the forces of darkness have been made aware of what Christ is doing through me? These are not questions only for preachers or church leaders, but for each of us.

It ought to be our goal to walk so much in the power of Christ that the demons who know and fear him would take notice of us.
Father, may you work in my life in such power that the servants of the enemy in this sinful city know who I am - a servant of the Jesus who will one day destroy them and send them to the Lake of Fire!


Consider God's Word:

Is your life lived in such a way that you are a daily threat to the forces of darkness? 


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