"Satan's Greatest Servant" September 21 Readings: James 3


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2024

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles.  The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but we will give more emphasis to the New Testament, spending half the year in the Old Testament and half in the New. 

Bible Readings: James 3


James 3 deals with two topics. First, James transitions from a warning about the high responsibility of teachers to a discussion of the power of the tongue. He then reflects on the wisdom of God and contrasts the wisdom from above and the wisdom that is from below.

Daily Devotional: Satan's Greatest Servant

When I look back on my 6 decades of Christianity (I was saved at age six - you do the math), I would surmise that the highest percentage of my sins have been sins of the tongue. I avoided most of the "big" sins that sidetrack so many in their earlier years, and I would have to confess to more than a few sins of the mind - lust, anger, pride, and such. When I've gotten into trouble it's usually been my big fat mouth that started it all. Perhaps that's not a huge surprise. My life, my work, my ministry - it's all about words, whether written or spoken. I preach. I counsel. I discuss. I strategize.

And all too often I sin. Angry words. Gossip. Backbiting. Inappropriate jokes. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, Jesus said, and my mouth has too often reflected the sin in my heart.

That is not unusual, though. According to James 3, the hardest part of the body to control is the tongue. Verse 2 spells it out.
For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a mature man who is also able to control his whole body.
One of the best signs of Christian maturity is when our mouths come under the control of the indwelling Spirit and we no longer say every foolish thing our hearts devise. There are many wonderful truths found in the next few verses. Permit me just to spell some of them out. 
  • Like a bit in a horse's mouth or a ship's rudder, the tongue, though small, has a huge effect on our lives, for good or ill.  The tongue steers the life. 3-4
  • The tongue is like fire, which can set an entire forest ablaze. Our tongues, out of control, are the most destructive force on earth. When a family falls apart or a church divides, out-of-control tongues are always at the root. There has yet to be a church split where gossip and waggling tongues were not at the root. 5
  • The tongue is "set on fire by hell." Satan means "the accuser." The word "devil" is the Greek word slanderer. When we let anger and bitterness flow from our lips we are doing Satan's work. The fuel of the uncontrolled tongue is hell itself! Christian friend, consider this - when your tongue is out of Christ's control it is doing Satan's work! 6
  • The tongue is the most uncontrollable force on earth. We can tame wild animals but we cannot tame the tongue. Only the power of the indwelling Spirit at work in the redeemed heart can accomplish that. 7-8
  • Too often, the tongue is like a poisonous snake bite - it injects destructive venom into the souls and minds of others, wreaking devastation in lives. 8
  • We cannot praise God and curse men with the same tongue. If my lips are used to backbite, gossip, slander, to inject verbal venom, all my words of praise and affirmations of my devotion to Christ are empty and hollow. 9-12
If I had a recording of every word you had spoken in the last week, what would it tell me about you? Would I know that you truly love God because the praises of the Creator are on your lips and those same lips are used to encourage others in his name? Or would I see inconsistency and duplicity? Do you try to speak both the love of God and hurtful words toward others, even though Scripture says it is not possible? Would I hear vileness, abuse, viciousness? What would your words say about you? 

Jesus told us that the tongue is a gauge of the heart. What is in your heart shows in what comes out of your mouth. What does your tongue say about you? 
Father, forgive me for my failure, too often, to control my tongue by the power of your Spirit. Give me a tongue filled with praise, with grace, with gentleness and kindness, a tongue that glorifies you with every word. 


Consider God's Word:

If a recording of your words over the last week was replayed, what would it say about you? Would your words demonstrate your love for Christ or would they reveal a heart of sin? 


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