"Dealing with Defeat" February 18 Readings: Joshua 5-8


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2024

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles.  The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but we will give more emphasis to the New Testament, spending half the year in the Old Testament and half in the New. 

Bible Readings: Joshua 5-8


One of the great stories of the Bible, the Battle of Jericho, is in today's reading. There was the encounter with the Captain of the Lord's army who gave Joshua the plan. He then went back and reported the plan to the leaders of Israel. Can you imagine their response? Walk around 13 times? Are you nuts?

The key was obedience! And persistence! And God brought the walls down.

Then, sinful and arrogant Israel faced defeat at Ai, a ruined town which may have been the only time in its history it faced an army smaller than itself. After dealing with the sin they returned to victory in God's power.

Daily Devotional: Dealing with Defeat

Joshua was flabbergasted. After the great victory he and the people of God had won over Jericho, they had suddenly been horribly defeated by a little nothing village called Ai. Had God let his people down, forgotten them? Joshua was convinced that God had failed his people and he called out to him for help and understanding. 

He got the help he needed, but it came in a very different way than he expected. Get up off the ground, Joshua. Stop praying and deal with the sin that caused the problem. That was not what he expected. 

But God revealed the source of the problem  - Achan’s sin – and Israel took care of business. It is shocking to our modern sensibilities the lengths to which he went in dealing with this sin, but sin is no small thing in God’s eyes. But there was sin in Israel and it had to be dealt with - aggressively and forcefully. 

Once the sin issue was properly put in the past, there was still the matter of round 2 with Ai. This time, with God on their side, giving them direction, and using their entire army, they went up to Ai and conquered it. God gave them wisdom and power and they won the battle that only days before had brought defeat.

There are some important lessons for us in this story. First, defeat is never final for the people of God. I have lost and lost and lost, but that does not mean that I have to give up. Just because I blew it yesterday does not mean that I have to blow it tomorrow. I do not have to be tomorrow what I used to be.

Second, if I want to change, I’ve got to deal with the deep sins, the heart issues, and the hidden things that have undermined my success. Israel could have gone up against Ai with a hundred different strategies, but until they dealt with the sin in their midst, there would be no victory. I need to let the Spirit speak conviction to my heart and show me whatever there is in my life that might hinder my victory.

Finally, I need to marshal all the power that God has given me and go to battle. When Israel took only a part of their resources, they were turned away. But when they went up against Ai with all of their soldiers, empowered by God, the battle turned. For any spiritual battle we face we must put on the whole armor of God, not just part of it. 

Lord, thank you for never giving up, even when I feel like a failure. Thank you for being faithful and good. Forgive my sins and cleanse my heart that I may walk in your ways daily.


Consider God's Word:

Are you walking in sin and hoping for God's best?


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