"Not of This World" November 30 Readings: Hosea 6-7, 1 Peter 2, Psalm 135:8–14, Proverbs 29:12–13



Reading the Bible in 2023

Each day this year we will read a selection from the Old Testament, the New Testament, a portion of the Psalms, and part of Proverbs. By the end of the year, you will have read the entire Bible. We read this way to give you a bit of variety. In reading four portions of God's word in a day, one of them is bound to speak to your life!

NOTE: If you get behind, do not give up. Read today's readings and try to catch up when you have a chance. The goal is not to "accomplish a task" but to meet God in his word. Read the word. Also, if you are short on time, READ GOD'S WORD and skip my devotional!

Bible Readings: Hosea 6-7, 1 Peter 2, Psalm 135:8–14, Proverbs 29:12–13

    Scriptures linked to Bible Gateway in ESV version 

Daily Devotional: Not of This World 

"This world is not my home, I'm just a-passing though."
Those words of an old country gospel song teach a truth we need to hear. Too many Christians are too tied to this world - its riches, its pleasures, its ambitions, and achievements - and do not understand how the Bible describes the church of Jesus in this world. Look at 1 Peter 2:11.
Dear friends, I urge you as strangers and exiles to abstain from sinful desires that wage war against the soul.
Peter described us as "sojourners" (strangers) and "exiles." We are not of this world. We were born as part of this world and its ways, but we were born again, adopted into the heavenly family. Our spiritual citizenship was changed and we are no longer first and foremost citizens of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven, Paul said (in Philippians 3). We now live in a world we are not a part of.

In this world, people live for self, for selfish ambition, for achievement and ambition and power; but we (are supposed to) live for the glory of God and the good of the kingdom. The world defines people by the money and possessions they have; we define ourselves by the rich treasure of grace that Christ bestowed on us by his death. The world seeks pleasure in whatever way possible; we live for the pleasure of the one who redeemed us and our pleasure is serving him. Granted, we don't always live out these ideals, but that is who we are - citizens of a different kingdom.

And we are only here for a short time. We are living here for a few years, awaiting the glory that will be revealed in us, the glory of heaven - which will last for all eternity. Because this world is a short time and eternity is, well, eternal, we ought to devote our lives to treasures in heaven more than on earth, to seek first God's kingdom and its righteousness.

That is why we do battle against our fleshly desires. My heart, in its natural condition, desires this world and its things. But I do battle against the flesh, in the power of the Spirit. I abstain from those sinful desires that distract me from God's work.

Father, thank you for saving me out of this world of sin and its destructive desires. Fill my heart with Christ that I might do battle against the desires of my flesh, and help me remember I'm just a stranger here, and it's only for a short time. 

Consider God's Word:

Did one of these passages speak strongly to you today? Which one? 
Is there sin in your life that needs to be confessed and dealt with that was revealed in one of these passages? 
Is there a struggle in your life that one of these passages spoke to? 

How much a part of this world are you?
Are you fully invested in this world or are you a "stranger and alien?"



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