"Disdaining God's Blessings" February 28 Readings: Numbers 11-12, Mark 6:1-29, Psalm 30, Proverbs 7:10-12



Reading the Bible in 2023

Each day this year we will read a selection from the Old Testament, the New Testament, a portion of the Psalms, and part of Proverbs. By the end of the year, you will have read the entire Bible. We read this way to give you a bit of variety. In reading four portions of God's word in a day, one of them is bound to speak to your life!

NOTE: if you get behind, do not give up. Read today's readings and try to catch up when you have a chance. The goal is not to "accomplish a task" but to meet God in his word. Read the word. Also, if you are short on time, READ GOD'S WORD and skip my devotional!

Bible Readings: Numbers 11-12, Mark 6:1-29, Psalm 30, Proverbs 7:10-12

    Scriptures linked to Bible Gateway in ESV version 

Daily Devotional:  Disdaining God's Blessings

The people of Israel sank to many depths through their years of existence, turning away from God to idols, and debasing themselves in so many ways. But there were few times that God was as angry with Israel as he was in the beginning verses of Numbers 11. In verse 1, he actually trained his fiery wrath on his own people as he had centuries before against Sodom and Gomorrah. And later, in verse 10, he was again very angry.

And what was their sin this time? It was not idolatry. It was not adultery. It was not debauchery or drunkenness. None of those things. It was something much more common, even universal.

They were complaining! Griping. Murmuring.

And God found this complaining as such an insult that he rained fire down on the camp. Why was God so angry? Because Israel was disdaining the blessings God gave. God fed the People and gave them water by his hand of power and grace. And they whined about it. They were complaining about God's manna.

God has poured out his manna on my life as well, except that my manna is not some kind of grain that looked like bdellium (whatever that is) and coriander seed that was shaped into cakes for food. My manna is a better kind of Bread - the Bread of Life himself - Jesus Christ my Lord. God has given us every blessing in Christ. In fact, Christ is our blessing!

God sent his Son to die on the cross for my sins, then raised him to provide me with new life. He sent his Spirit to indwell me that I might be made like Christ. He justified me in Christ, redeemed me by Christ's blood, sealed me for the day of redemption, and is making me fit for glory.

When this is true, how can I find anything on earth to complain about? If I have heavenly manna, the Bread of Life, given from God's hand of love, how can I complain about my sufferings and injuries here on earth. Yes, they are significant, but Jesus is greater than any of them. He is all in all.

I am thankful that God does not send fire from heaven on me every time I complain about his manna. I'd be mighty toasty if he did. But it does not excuse my complaining, my whining. I need to remember what Christ did for me and who I am in him before I ever utter a word of complaint.

Father, forgive me for my complaining ways, in spite of your great mercy and grace, in spite of all your gifts. You rain manna down on me and I complain about every little annoyance of life. May you cleanse me in the blood of Christ and help me to remember your goodness whenever I am tempted to whine about life. 

Consider God's Word:

Did one of these passages speak strongly to you today? Which one? 
Is there sin in your life that needs to be confessed and dealt with that was revealed in one of these passages? 
Is there a struggle in your life that one of these passages spoke to? 

Do you have a true heart of gratitude to God for all he has done for you or have you griped and complained as Israel did at what God provided to you?



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