"A Primer on Christian Living" November 21 Readings: Colossians 3-4


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings:    Colossians 3-4


Most of Paul's letters follow a distinct pattern. First, he establishes a doctrine - usually based on the nature and work of Christ. Then, he applies that doctrine in practical ways. In chapter 1, Paul established the supremacy of Christ and reminded Christians that it was "Christ in you" that was our hope of glory. In chapter 2, he confronted the heresy that was spreading in Colossae that neglected Christ and replaced him with philosophy, ritual, and false religion. Now, Paul turns to the practical outworking of that.

The reader will notice a lot of similarities between the practical teachings of Colossians 3 and 4 and those of Ephesians 4-6.

Daily Devotional:  A Primer on Christian Living

Colossians 3:1-17 may be one of the best descriptions of the necessities of Christian living in the Word of God. In it are twelve dynamics of successful Christian living, presented in a significant sequence.

The first two steps have to do with setting our hearts and minds on the things that matter. Verse 1 tells us to "seek the things that are above," speaking to our hearts, our priorities. Instead of living for the world's pleasures, we must seek the things of God. Then, in verse 2, we must set our minds on things above, not on the things of this earth. These first two dynamics speak of our purpose, our focus, and our passions. Are your mind and heart set on the things of God or are you focused on this world?

Once we have set our minds and hearts, the next step is to deal with the negatives of our sinful condition. Some things have to be put to death, just plain killed! We cannot dabble in sexual immorality and impurity or even materialistic covetousness. These are destructive sins that must be dealt with severely - they have no place in the life of a Christian. There are other behaviors that we must put away from ourselves  - anger and all of its cousins. Anger may be among the most common and destructive sins we have in our lives. We must put those things away - anger is spiritual poison. Also, the devil is a liar, God's people should not be. We must put away all forms of lying from our lives. We cannot go forward in Christ until by the Spirit's power we face our dark sides and deal with them. Thank God, through Christ he has given us victory.

As we put away the works of the flesh, we also put on the new clothing of Christ. We must let the clothing of kindness and compassion replace the old, dirty clothing of anger that we put away. We must bear with one another's aggravations, But more than that, we must forgive when offended, in the same way, Christ has forgiven us. Love must be the primary motive in all we do.

Paul ends with a series of admonitions about our attitudes and motivations. We are to allow the peace of Christ to rule our hearts instead of stressing out and being worried. We must be thankful in all of life's circumstances. We must let the word of Christ dwell in us, filling us with God's Spirit. Finally, all that we do, we do in the name of Jesus Christ. That means that we access all the resources and power that is ours because of what Jesus does in us. His power and his strength.
Father, may my mind and heart be focused on you. May I deal with my own dark side, letting the grace of Christ overcome the sin in my heart. And may I put on the righteous clothing you have provided for me. 

Consider God's Word:

Look over these twelve steps and analyze your Christian life.
Are you on track? Are you faltering?
What is the biggest area in which you need to improve?


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