"It Is Never Too Late" May 27 Readings: 2 Kings 20-21, 2 Chronicles 33-35


Reading the Bible Chronologically in 2022

This year, instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation, we will read the Bible as the story flows, as it happened and was written. There are several plans out there and I have worked to combine them into a plan that lets the Bible tell its own story "as it happened." Remember, the Bible is inspired, but not in the order the books appear in our Bibles. The Old Testament is approximately 3/4 of the Bible, but I have divided it so that we will spend half the year in the OT, and half the year in the NT. 

Bible Readings: 2 Kings 20-21, 2 Chronicles 33-35 


Manasseh was the king that broke the camel's back. He was so evil, even participating in child sacrifice, that God stopped warning Judah of its possible impending doom and said that it was coming. Even good king Josiah was not able to turn back the clock.

Daily Devotional: It Is Never Too Late 

There is an interesting dynamic in the progression of these kings. The great king Hezekiah fell into sin late in life and his son Manasseh was born and became the worst of the kings of Judah. Other than David, Hezekiah would likely have been classed as the best of the kings of Judah but his late-life sin caused him to raise a hellion.

It is possible for any of us, in the later years of our lives, to undo the good we have done throughout our years. I have known men who were faithful servants of God but in their senior years, their pride and their sin negated much of their reputation and the effect of their ministry. If you had told Hezekiah that he was going to sin and raise an idolatrous son, he would have said, no way. But he did.

Each of us must be constantly on guard against the effects of the sinful flesh.

But there is an interesting ending to the story of Manasseh. He repented of his sin according to 2 Chronicles 33:10-17. He became a man of God. It seems likely that when we arrive in heaven we will find wicked Manasseh there singing the praises of the God who forgave him.

Unfortunately, even though sin can be immediately and completely forgiven, often there are consequences that are not as quickly forgotten. The people of God continued in sin and his son Amon continued in the sinful path he had set, leading the nation further into sin.

The Scripture doesn't tell us for sure, but it seems right to add two plus two and come up with four. Amon only reigned 2 years as king and his son, young Josiah took over for him. Josiah was only 8 when he took the throne and he became a king to rival Hezekiah, and possibly even David. He sought God, even as a youth.

Why? Could it have been the influence of his grandfather Manasseh in his later years when he became a man of God? Josiah was six when Manasseh died but perhaps he saw the man that grandpa Manasseh had become. Maybe Manasseh was able to influence him. Only heaven will answer this question for sure, but the timing fits.

Never give up. Even if you made mistakes. Even if your children have turned away, keep serving the Lord. God (it seems) used the most wicked king in Judah's history to influence little Josiah. God never gives up and neither should you.

Thank you Lord that you are a God of the impossible, one who never gives up. Help us to persevere in serving you. 

Consider God's Word:

Are you walking carefully, to make sure that you do not fall into sin?
Are you walking faithfully, never giving up, believing in the God who can do miracles?


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