"Message of the Angels" December 24 Readings: Zechariah 3-4, Revelation 14, Psalm 146, Proverbs 31:12–13


 Through the Bible in 2021

Bible Readings: Zechariah 3-4, Revelation 14, Psalm 146, Proverbs 31:12–13   

Daily Devotional: Message of the Angels 

The story of Christmas is filled with angels making announcements. Now, at the end, they speak again. This time, though, the message is not one of peace on earth and goodwill, but of impending judgment. The ax hangs in the air and the final blows of God's wrath are about the fall on the earth. The end is truly near, but before God's wrath comes, Revelation 14 tells us about 3 angels who will make their way to earth to deliver the word of God. Their messages are harsh - nothing positive or encouraging there! But they give humanity a last chance to understand the truth of God. Each of these angels speaks a word of truth that we need to hear.

The first angel delivers his warning in verse 7.
Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship the one who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.
Throughout history, the love of God has called us to worship him. His goodness has been the primary reason to fall before him and give him glory. He gave his Son and demonstrated infinite love through that sacrifice. But now the message has changed. It is the impending wrath of God that must move men to fear God and give him glory. Judgment is coming and it is time to give honor to the one to whom it is due. 

The second angel speaks a word of prophecy, the meaning of which serves as a stark warning even for us today. Look at verse 8. 
“It has fallen, Babylon the Great has fallen. She made all the nations drink the wine of her sexual immorality, which brings wrath.”
Babylon represents the sinful, materialistic world system and the angel declares that it is about to come crashing down - an event that will take place in chapters 17-18. This world and everything in it has an expiration date. Why would we invest our hearts, souls, bodies, and time into the things of this world when it is going to crash into oblivion? It is utter folly. Never waste your life on this world and its passions and pleasures. Babylon will fall. 

The third angel's message is the most ominous, picking up on the first angel's warning and ratcheting it up higher and higher. In verses 9-11, John details the judgment on those who worship the beast, who embrace evil and the works of Satan. There is a lot of eschatological controversy wrapped up in these words, but let's ignore that and look at the simpler truth. The judgment of God on sinners is sure, certain, unavoidable, and terrible. There is no escape. 

We are blessed to live in the love of God and experience his grace daily. But we can never allow that grace to blind us to the reality that awaits sinners. God's judgment will fall and it will be awful. There is no solution but to seek God's forgiveness through Christ and to yield our lives to him - while that is still an option. 

The other option is too horrible to consider. 
Father, I thank you for the love that Christ has shown me that means I will not have to experience that horror of wrath that awaits sinners. May I tell others about your grace as well!

Consider God's Word:

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

As awful as it is, consider the reality of the wrath of God on sinners.
What changes ought you to make in your life in view of the coming wrath?


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