"Come, Lord Jesus" December 31 Readings: Malachi 3-4, Revelation 22, Psalm 150, Proverbs 31:29–31

Through the Bible in 2021 Bible Readings: Malachi 3-4, Revelation 22, Psalm 150, Proverbs 31:29–31 Daily Devotional: Come, Lord Jesus It's New Year's Eve. Think for a moment about what is going to be happening across our land. People are going to be going out to "have a good time." Nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, of course, but think of all the ways that people are going to be seeking happiness and fun tonight. More than a few will seek their joy from a bottle - they will look to alcohol or perhaps some form of drugs to provide them a feeling of exhilaration. Many will seek pleasure through sexual immorality. There will be wild parties and games and activities - all sorts of fun things to participate in. Some are sinful. Some are harmless. But our manic search for fun reveals the fact that we still have not grasped one of life's great truths. We spend a lot of time trying to find life, to find fun and contentment and pleasure and peace. But...