"Revive Us Again" July 20 Readings: Nehemiah 11-13, Acts 16:25–40, Psalm 85:1–8, Proverbs 18:1–3


 Through the Bible in 2021

Bible Readings:  Nehemiah 11-13, Acts 16:25–40, Psalm 85:1–8, Proverbs 18:1–3                                                                                                                                                              

Daily Devotional:  Revive Us Again

It is the heart-cry of so many believers today in this land, that God would revive his church and his people and reverse the moral and spiritual trends we observe. Could there be a true follower of Jesus Christ whose heart would not strongly desire such a revival?

Many of the Psalms are calls for God to renew and revive his people, Israel, who had fallen into sin. Of course, we Americans often act like America is the new Israel and Americans are the chosen people of God. It is not true. The church is the chosen people of God today and it is we who must seek the renewal of God. I do not believe it is an insult to say that our church needs revival today. Doesn't yours?

In Psalm 85:4-5, the Psalmist called out to God for forgiveness and restoration.
Return to us, God of our salvation,
and abandon your displeasure with us.
Will you be angry with us forever?
Will you prolong your anger for all generations?
God is a righteous and Holy God who demands obedience and fidelity from his people, the church of Jesus Christ. Too often we have lived in the ways of the world, walked in the flesh and gone our own ways instead of God's. We cannot ask for God's blessings and renewal while we are walking in sin. Any sort of revival begins with repentance that brings us back into contact with God. 

But ultimately, revival rests in the faithful love of God. Whatever we do, we do because of what he did. We love because he first loved us. We return because he holds his arms out to receive us. We do not revive ourselves but are revived by God's grace and love. In verses 6-7, the Psalmist calls out for that faithful love of God to restore the people. 
Will you not revive us again
so that your people may rejoice in you?
Show us your faithful love, Lord,
and give us your salvation.
That is the cry of our heart today. Lord, revive us again. Return to us and restore us. Bring your church to repentance from all that displeases you. Show us again how great your are, how awesome and glorious. You have saved us once from our sins, now restore the joy of your salvation. Save us from this mess we find ourselves in today, a mess we've created with careless living and the love of this world. Your love and faithfulness, God, are greater than our sin and failure. 

Revive us again, fill each heart with thy love.  
May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. 
Hallelujah, thine the glory. Hallelujah, Amen. 
Hallelujah, thine the glory, Revive us again. 

Consider God's Word:

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Paul told Timothy to "fan into flame" the gift within him. Are you in need of having your heart revived - fanned into a new and fervent flame?
This comes when we seek God, submit to him, and he fills us completely.
May the words of the old invitation hymn become a reality in your life - "I surrender all."


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