"Mad at God?" July 31 Readings: Job 11-12, Acts 23:12–35, Psalm 89:21–27, Proverbs 19:5–6

Through the Bible in 2021 Bible Readings: Job 11-12, Acts 23:12–35, Psalm 89:21–27, Proverbs 19:5–6 Daily Devotional: Mad at God? Have you ever been mad at God? Of course, you were raised in the church and you know better to call it that, right? You are discouraged, depressed, downhearted, disappointed - I am running out of words that start with d! Life hasn't gone the way you want and you feel you've gotten a raw deal. You may take it out on your spouse and kids, or on the guy who cuts you off in traffic. But at the root of it, the person you are angry at is God. You thought if you gave your life to him he would come through in ways he hasn't. You thought he would provide things he hasn't provide, deliver in ways he hasn't delivered, protect you from things he hasn't protected you from. I've gone through times in my life when I was mad at God - deep in my heart. I might not have admitted it to myself, but that is where I was. Angry. ...