"Majority of One" May 31 Readings: 2 Kings 5-6, John 8:31–59, Psalm 69:1–6, Proverbs 14:11-12


 Through the Bible in 2021

Bible Readings:  2 Kings 5-6, John 8:31–59, Psalm 69:1–6, Proverbs 14:11-12  

Daily Devotional:  Majority of One

The king of Aram was annoyed with Elisha. He had suspected that he had a spy among his ranks who was giving information to the Israelites, but he found out that it was actually the prophet who was getting the most trustworthy information imaginable - the wisdom of God. There was only one thing he could do. Elisha had to go.

So, he sent a massive army to Dothan where Elisha was staying to take care of this problem. As usual, when evil men plan their evil deeds, they forget the power of God. He assumed he could just march down and take care of one little prophet.

It was a serious miscalculation, and the story is recorded in 2 Kings 6.

It was a miscalculation that Elisha's servant also made. He got up early and saw the vast Aramean army arrayed around him and fear choked him. In his panic, he called out to Elisha asking what they were to do. Elisha responded with a very strange statement.
“Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings 6:16

It was Elisha, the servant, and maybe a few others against an entire army. That was it. But he was making the same mistake as the king of Aram. He forgot all about God. Elisha prayed and asked God to open his eyes to the reality of the spiritual realm.

The servant looked again and saw what he hadn't seen before. The mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire. God's servants were there and they vastly outnumbered the army of Aram.

We are seldom granted the blessing that servant received that day, but we need to realize the truth that he discovered. God is with us. His power is all around us; he is in us! When enemies come against us, we are not left to our own devices. We must walk by faith, not by sight, but we can trust that the armies that surrounded Elisha that day are also working on behalf of God's people today. While it looks so much like evil is winning in this world, that is a mirage. God's power is greater than anything in this world and in the end he will establish his kingdom and rule this world in righteousness.

In this wicked world, we must walk by the faith that our God of power still holds the reigns of authority, even when it looks like the enemy has the edge.
Father, I so often forget your power. Help me to see with the eyes of faith the powerful forces arrayed all around. May I trust you and walk in faith, not fear. 


Consider God's Word:

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you worry about how many are on your side, or do you trust the God of Heaven and his power? 


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