"Majority of One" May 31 Readings: 2 Kings 5-6, John 8:31–59, Psalm 69:1–6, Proverbs 14:11-12

Through the Bible in 2021 Bible Readings: 2 Kings 5-6, John 8:31–59, Psalm 69:1–6, Proverbs 14:11-12 Daily Devotional: Majority of One The king of Aram was annoyed with Elisha. He had suspected that he had a spy among his ranks who was giving information to the Israelites, but he found out that it was actually the prophet who was getting the most trustworthy information imaginable - the wisdom of God. There was only one thing he could do. Elisha had to go. So, he sent a massive army to Dothan where Elisha was staying to take care of this problem. As usual, when evil men plan their evil deeds, they forget the power of God. He assumed he could just march down and take care of one little prophet. It was a serious miscalculation, and the story is recorded in 2 Kings 6. It was a miscalculation that Elisha's servant also made. He got up early and saw the vast Aramean army arrayed around him and fear choked him. In his panic, he called out t...