Reading Through the Bible in 2021 - JOIN US!


 Through the Bible in 2021

In 2020, we ran 2 tracks for the devotional, the "through the Bible in One Year" reading plan for those who wanted a little more time in the Word and a more concentrated plan focusing on key passages and books of the Bible. 

It wore me out. I didn't know, of course, when I started that plan, that 2020 was going to be a COVID year and the dual-track plan took a lot of time and effort. It was also a blessing for me, because in times of discouragement it drove me to God's word when I might not otherwise have done so. 

However, this year I am reverting to something a bit simpler - reading through the Bible in one year. Each day we will have four readings: 
  • A portion of the Old Testament. 
  • A portion of the New Testament. 
  • A portion of the Psalms. 
  • A small snippet of Proverbs. 
You may have days you can't keep up. A Bible reading plan is not a religious duty that gains you points with God. It is designed to bring you into God's presence. It is not a punishment, but "time with God." Read as much as you can. If you get behind, catch up if you can but don't give up because you fall behind. You can just read today's readings and then read some of what you missed if you have time. 

I will have a devotional every day. PLEASE do not read my devotional and skip the Bible. You need Jesus more than you need my wisdom. Read God's word first then my thoughts if you have the time. 

It has been suggested by some that I publish these devotionals as a book. I might do that. This year will primarily be reusing and final editing of previous devotionals in preparation for that possibility. 

Studies have shown clearly beyond doubt that nothing grows Christians like reading God's word. These devotionals are designed to help you get into God's word and meet Jesus. 

My prayer for you in 2021 is that you will draw closer to the Savior!


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