Mind Control - Finding Joy in Philippians – October 19 Readings: Philippians 4:8-9


Finding Joy in Philippians  

Background: For the next three weeks, we will be studying the Book of Philippians, another of Paul's letters from his Roman prison. In Philippi, men were using Paul's imprisonment as proof he was not genuine and seeking to undermine his authority. Many in the church were shaken at the fact that the Apostle was imprisoned. He wrote the letter to explain his imprisonment and to encourage his readers to walk in joy despite all the evil in the world. 

Philippians is not nearly as easily outlined at Ephesians was - it is much more personal and exhortational compared to the theological intent of Ephesians. Philippians was the church that was founded when Paul received the vision of the Macedonian man saying, "Come and help us."  

As often as time allows, the reader is encouraged to read the entire book - it will not take more than a few minutes. Each day we will work our way through the book passage by passage. 

Today's Reading:  Philippians 1-4  Focus Passage - Philippians 4:8-9  

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. 9 Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

Through the Bible Readings: Jeremiah 41-42, Colossians 1:24–2:23, Psalm119:1–8, Proverbs 25:17–19 

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  Mind Control


These verse are pretty clear  - easy to interpret and understand - but it is not an easy passage to apply.  We are told to focus our minds on good things, true things, excellent things. 

If you feed your body nothing but garbage eventually it will impact your health. If you allow your computer to be filled with loads of viruses, it will bog down. What goes in will eventually come out. If you feed your mind ugly, filthy things, it will not help you grow in Christ. 

This verse, though, is not actually an admonition about worldly and sinful things entering your mind. That is important, of course. This passage is positive, about filling your mind with good things, with the things of God. 

*We must fill our minds with what is true - in line with God's truth not the lies of Satan. 
*Our thoughts must be honorable - focused on those things God honors and blesses.
*Our thoughts must be just, conforming to God's righteous standards. 
*We must think on things that are pure - likely referring to sexual purity. 
*Our thoughts must be lovely and commendable - probably pointing towards heavenly thoughts, the things of God. 
*Our culture glorifies what is base, bizzarre, or profane.  We are to think on things that are morally excellent. 
*Finally, we should dwell on those things that are worthy of praise.

When our minds focus on these things it builds our souls in him. 

Father, help me focus my mind on the things that glorify you and edify me. 

Think and Pray:

Do you focus your mind on the debased things of this world or on the things of God?


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