Everything Changed - Examining Ephesians – September 19 Readings: Ephesians 4:22-24

Ephesians: A Worthy Walk 

Background: For the next month, we will be studying the Book of Ephesians, a letter Paul wrote while he was in jail in Rome, awaiting his first trial. Ephesus was one of his best churches, and he spent a lot of time there on his missionary journeys. The church likely planted the other churches of Asia Minor that Jesus referenced in Revelation 2-3. 

Ephesians is easily outlined. Chapters 1-3 speak of the great salvation we have in Christ, which comes by grace through faith alone. Then, 4:1 is the turning point, where Paul admonishes them to "walk worthy of the calling you have received." We cannot be worthy of Christ's salvation - it is a gift of grace. But having received it, we can then, by the Spirit's power, WALK worthy. Chapters 4-6 describe the worthy walk. This is a favorite template for Paul. He develops a doctrine then applies it practically. 

As often as time allows, the reader is encouraged to read the entire book - it will not take more than a few minutes. Each day we will work our way through the book passage by passage. 

Today's Reading:  Ephesians 1-6    Focus Passage - Ephesians 4:22-24   

22 to take off your former way of life, the old self that is corrupted by deceitful desires, 23 to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to put on the new self, the one created according to God’s likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth.

Through the Bible Readings: Isaiah49, 2 Corinthians 3, Psalm 106:42–48, Proverbs 23:11–12

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  Everything Changed   

"Old Uncle Buford lived quite a colorful life. He was a hard-drinking, wild-living kind of guy. He never much darkened the door of the church. Of course, when he was a boy, there was an evangelist came through town and he went forward. As we all know, once saved, always saved, so we know where Uncle Buford is!" 

I have heard a statement like that many times during the years. We rely on the precious doctrine of eternal security to cover over the fact that someone made a profession of faith some time back but it made absolutely no difference in their lives. There is no evidence that Jesus changed them in any way, but we bank heavily on their "conversion experience" when the end comes. 

I remember what an old seminary professor said many years ago. "There will be two things that surprise us when we get to heaven. Them that's there and them that ain't." Well put, Doc. I have never been issued a paperback copy of the Lamb's Book of Life, so I try not to determine who is in and who isn't. That's above my pay grade. 

I have read the Bible a time or two, though, and as my dad used to say, you will find a white blackbird in the Bible before you will find a person who met God and remained unchanged. It just doesn't happen. People who meet God are transformed. That is not a condition of salvation but it is a product of it. 

Paul, here, describes it like changing clothes, taking off the old clothes of sin and putting on the new clothes of righteousness. In Christ, I take off the dirty clothes that I wore before my redemption, piece by piece - everything that belonged to the old self which was corrupted by sinful desires. It is a lifelong process. In the power of the Spirit, who produces the character of Christ in me, the Fruit of the Spirit, I gradually put on new clothes, ones which reflect the likeness of Christ and his righteousness. 

The Christian life is ups and downs, good days and bad - none of us is perfect. Still, if someone shows no desire to be Christlike and does not seek the things of God, it is certainly disturbing. In Christ, we are new creations, in a process of being conformed to Christ. 

Father, thank you for your life-changing power. Help me to be conformed to the image of Christ. 

Think and Pray:

What are the most remarkable changes God has made in your life since you were saved? 
Is there clear evidence of his life-changing power at work in you? 


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