Unity Like God's - Jesus’ Prayer List – August 27 Readings: John 17:11 – Trinitarian Unity

John 17: The Heart of Jesus 

The prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray, in Matthew 6, is often called "The Lord's Prayer." That is our prayer, a model prayer for us to pattern our prayer lives after. It is John 17 that is truly the Lord's Prayer, the one that shows the heart of our Savior. In it, he pours out his soul to the Father the night before his death and shows us that which he cares most about. 

Do you have a prayer list, a guide to those requests you make regularly to God? In this chapter, we see Jesus' prayer list, what was on his heart, what he prayed for regularly. 

It is recommended that you read the entire prayer each day this week. We will examine a highlight each day. 

Today's Reading:  John 17      (Focus - John 17:11)

John 17:11  I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by your name that you have given me, so that they may be one as we are one.

Through the Bible Readings: Isaiah 4-5, Romans 16, Psalm 102:10–16, Proverbs21:14–15


If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  Unity Like God's     

Years ago my dad was traveling, preaching Bible Conferences at churches all over the country. In a couple of years, he spoke at well over a hundred churches within a short period of time. He shared that in all of those churches, there were only a handful, five or fewer, that had anything that even approached biblical unity. 

The fact is that American churches are marked by strife and division in many ways. Power struggles. Conflict between leaders and the people. Anger and bitterness. 

Even in the absence of division, the concept of unity, of fellowship, of the sharing of our lives with one another is foreign to our ideas of independence. We like to live for ourselves and not be under anyone's control. 

Jesus spoke again of his Father in verse 11, of the unity that existed between Father and Son. As members of the Trinity, they experienced a perfect unity, a spiritual intimacy that is unhindered. We understand that and accept it. 

It is when Jesus says, "that they may be one as we are one" that things get interesting. The unity of the Body of Christ is meant to be patterned on the unity of the Father and Son (and Spirit). Churches and Christians should walk in love and joy and peace in a way that amazes the world. 

The church is meant to be an earthly reflection of the love and unity of the Godhead. 

That is why division in the Body is so serious. Yes, it hurts us and hampers our work, but ultimately, it grieves our Lord because it does not reflect God's purpose. In this prayer, Jesus pours out his heart to the Father, praying that the church would know this unity. To this day, this is one prayer of Jesus that has not been answered. One day it will be. 

May we be agents of love and unity today. 

Father, use me as an agent of your love and unity. 

Think and Pray:

Do you seek love and unity in the Body of Christ, even at personal cost? 


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