The Real Second Coming - When Your World Explodes – August 20 Readings: John 16:16-19 – Seeing Jesus Again

John 14-16: When Your World Explodes

Jesus knew, the night before his death, that the disciples' world was about to be blown to pieces. He would be arrested, tried, and crucified. They'd committed themselves to Jesus and he would be gone. In this powerful message, Jesus prepared the disciples to live in peace and spiritual power when the world around them was falling apart.

We will take the next three weeks delving into this passage.

Today's Reading: John 16:16-19       

16 “In a little while, you will no longer see me; again in a little while, you will see me.”

17 Then some of his disciples said to one another, “What is this he’s telling us: ‘In a little while, you will not see me; again in a little while, you will see me,’ and, ‘Because I am going to the Father’?” 18 They said, “What is this he is saying, ‘In a little while’? We don’t know what he’s talking about.”

19 Jesus knew they wanted to ask him, and so he said to them, “Are you asking one another about what I said, ‘In a little while, you will not see me; again in a little while, you will see me’?

Through the Bible Readings: Ecclesiastes 9-10, Romans 9:30–10:21, Psalm97:8–12, Proverbs 20:26–28 

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  The Real Second Coming    

We talk much about the Second Coming of Jesus, and I believe that Jesus will one day descend from heaven to end the world in his glory. I believe in the future return of Christ. But in a very real sense, Jesus makes the argument in the Farewell Discourse that the Holy Spirit would his second coming. Look at some of the key passages throughout this message.

First of all, in each of these passages he calls the Spirit the “Counselor,” and we will define that term later. But in John 14:16 he promises to send “another Counselor” to be with the disciples. This signifies that the Spirit would fulfill the role that Jesus performed when he was with the disciples after Jesus left. We know that the Spirit would indwell the disciples and empower them.

This theme continues in the other passages. In John 14:26, Jesus says that the Father will send the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Then, in John 16:7 we read, “It is for your benefit that I go away because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you.” This is a key verse that tells us that Jesus sends the Spirit (from the Father) to be his presence with us, and that this is better even that Jesus being with us. This theme continues in John 16:15-16. “Everything the Father has is mine. This is why I told you that he takes from what is mine and will declare it to you. A little while and you will no longer see me; again a little while and you will see me.” Jesus is going away for a time, then he will be seen again. Of course, this could be a reference to his death and resurrection, but in the context of the lengthy teaching on the Spirit, it seems best to see this as a reference to Jesus returning in the form of the Holy Spirit.

It is not a stretch to call the Holy Spirit the Second Coming of Jesus. What we call the Second Coming should perhaps be called the Third Coming, or more simply, the Return of Christ. But the Holy Spirit is Jesus with us, Jesus in us. We were not left as orphans in this world when Jesus left, and that is a great comfort in a tumultuous, sinful world. We were given the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit in us is Jesus’ method of giving us peace and comfort in a hard and harsh world.

Remember the story of the disciples of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee in the boat? They were professional fisherman and the storm was so intense that they were terrified. They were panicking. If you are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee and the professional fishermen are panicking, perhaps it is time to be afraid. But what was Jesus doing? He was asleep in the bottom of the boat. He was not clueless or uncaring. He was resting in the power of the Father. The presence of God gave him such comfort that the storms of life did not rob him of his peace.

Today, we are not with Jesus in a boat. We are the boat and Jesus is in us! That is the Holy Spirit’s role. He is the power and presence of God within us, working the work of God within so that we can always rest and trust in God and walk in his power. Do you think it is a safe place to be in the boat with Jesus? How much better to be the boat, with Jesus in you by his Spirit’s indwelling presence and power?

Thank you for the constant presence of your Spirit, who is Christ's presence in me. 

Think and Pray:

Remember and reflect on the reality of the fact that the Spirit is the "second coming" of Jesus - Jesus' presence and power at work in you. 


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