Knowing Jesus - Jesus’ Prayer List – August 24 Readings: John 17:3 – Knowing God

John 17: The Heart of Jesus 

The prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray, in Matthew 6, is often called "The Lord's Prayer." That is our prayer, a model prayer for us to pattern our prayer lives after. It is John 17 that is truly the Lord's Prayer, the one that shows the heart of our Savior. In it, he pours out his soul to the Father the night before his death and shows us that which he cares most about. 

Do you have a prayer list, a guide to those requests you make regularly to God? In this chapter, we see Jesus' prayer list, what was on his heart, what he prayed for regularly. 

It is recommended that you read the entire prayer each day this week. We will examine a highlight each day. 

Today's Reading:  John 17      (Focus: John 17:3)

John 17:3  This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent —Jesus Christ. 

Through the Bible Readings: Song of Songs 5-6, Romans 13, Psalm 101:1–4, Proverbs21:6–8 

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  Knowing Jesus 

This prayer demonstrates the heart of Jesus Christ, what was on his mind the last night of his earthly life, before his death. In verse 3, he makes it very clear that the key to eternal life is simple. It isn't about knowing a theology or set of doctrines. It isn't about a set of rules that we are to follow or a series of religious rituals and practices we are to go through. Our faith is about one thing - knowing God through Jesus Christ. 

The disciples, of course, knew Jesus personally, but this prayer was for all of us. Jesus' desire was that we would have a relationship with him, a spiritual fellowship, that would cause us to desire to worship him and serve him and love him every day of our lives. As we walk with Christ, we are gradually conformed to his image - we become like him. 

I apologize for the brevity of this devotional. I procrastinated today, and then developed a bad migraine this evening that made concentrating and writing difficult. Please take the time to carefully read the passage and seek to come to know the heart of our Savior. 

Think and Pray:

Do you know Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord? 


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