Jesus Loves Me, This I Know - Jesus’ Prayer List – August 30 Readings: John 17:24 – To Be with Jesus

John 17: The Heart of Jesus 

The prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray, in Matthew 6, is often called "The Lord's Prayer." That is our prayer, a model prayer for us to pattern our prayer lives after. It is John 17 that is truly the Lord's Prayer, the one that shows the heart of our Savior. In it, he pours out his soul to the Father the night before his death and shows us that which he cares most about. 

Do you have a prayer list, a guide to those requests you make regularly to God? In this chapter, we see Jesus' prayer list, what was on his heart, what he prayed for regularly. 

It is recommended that you read the entire prayer each day this week. We will examine a highlight each day. 

Today's Reading:  John 17      (Focus - John 17:23) 

John 17:24   “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they will see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the world’s foundation."

Through the Bible Readings: Isaiah 9-10, 1 Corinthians 2, Psalm 103:1–9, Proverbs21:21–23


If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional: Jesus Loves Me, This I Know     

Consider the things that Jesus prayed for when he poured his heart out to the Father the night before he died. We have reviewed many of these requests, which reveal his heart to us and show us where our hearts should be. The greatest truth of all should be the simplest fact of this prayer. 


And for you of course. Some of the prayers, especially in the first few verses, are directed toward the Twelve, the original disciples, but as the prayer progresses Jesus makes it clear that his focus is not just one those who walked with him through Galilee, but on all who would come to believe in him. He prayed for you. He prayed for me. Whatever is going on in your life, whatever hurts and pains you are going through today, you can remember that the Savior, the Lord, the King of kings - he is praying for you. 

And, according to verse 24, he wants you to be with him for eternity. I have always been insecure, but if I believe the Bible, I can rest in the absolute assurance of this fact. Jesus not only loves me, but he wants me to be with him forever and ever, in his glorious heavenly home. 

He not only desires it, but he did what was necessary for us to be there. He left the glories of heaven where he received much-deserved worship to come to earth and live in humility and rejection. He lived a perfect life and died for our sins on the Cross. He rose again as Lord of all to offer life to all who believed. My sin separated me from the God of heaven and Jesus, because he wanted us with him eternally, paid the ultimate price so that this prayer could be answered.

Jesus wants us to be with him forever and we will be, because of all he did for us. He prayed and became the answer to his own prayer!
Father, I thank you for your love, which motivated your Son to come to earth and seek and save the lost. I can never adequately thank you for that love!

Think and Pray:

Meditate on the joy of this truth - that Jesus prays for you and desires you to be with him forever. 


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