Displaying Christ's Glory - Jesus’ Prayer List – August 26 Readings: John 17:10 – Christ Glorified in Us

John 17: The Heart of Jesus 

The prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray, in Matthew 6, is often called "The Lord's Prayer." That is our prayer, a model prayer for us to pattern our prayer lives after. It is John 17 that is truly the Lord's Prayer, the one that shows the heart of our Savior. In it, he pours out his soul to the Father the night before his death and shows us that which he cares most about. 

Do you have a prayer list, a guide to those requests you make regularly to God? In this chapter, we see Jesus' prayer list, what was on his heart, what he prayed for regularly. 

It is recommended that you read the entire prayer each day this week. We will examine a highlight each day. 

Today's Reading:  John 17      (Focus - John 17:10) 

John 17:10  Everything I have is yours, and everything you have is mine, and I am glorified in them.

Through the Bible Readings: Isaiah 1-3, Romans 15, Psalm 102:1–9, Proverbs 21:11–13 

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional: Displaying Christ's Glory    

It is easy to read verses such as John 17:10 and miss the fact that a truth-bomb just went off. Jesus makes three simple statements there which can be glossed over too easily. 

  • Everything I have is yours - Jesus recognized that he derived his power, his authority, his glory, his mission, and everything else from the Father. He was dependent on and committed to the Father. He lived for the Father. 
  • Everything you have is mine - Jesus was the heir of the Father's glory, the inheritor of all of Heaven's riches and power. These two statements are key to Trinitarian doctrine, though they speak only of Father and Son. These are two separate persons, Father and Son, who are completely united. What is the Father's belongs to the Son and what is the Son's belongs to the Father. 

Throughout the book of John, Jesus says statements such as these, emphasizing his unity with the Father. They are one, a perfect unity beyond our imagining. It is the third statement Jesus makes that should blow our minds. 
  • I am glorified in them. 
It was Jesus' hope and expectation that he would be glorified in us. In other statements in this prayer Jesus explains his desire that the unity of the Father and Son would be reflected in the unity of the Body of Christ. But here he says that the glory of the Father and Son was meant to be reflected in us. We are to shine, as Paul put it, "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 

Remember when Jesus said, "I am the light of the world?" He also told his disciples that they were the light of the world. Was he confused? Of course not. He was telling them that he would shine his light in this world through them.

Consider that. There is only ONE light in this world - Jesus. If the world is going to see that light, they will see him shining in us. You and me. The church. That is why we cannot afford to hide our lights. That is why we cannot afford to dim our lights with sin and worldly passions. This world badly needs the light that Jesus intends to shine through us. Through US!

Oh, Father, clean me that I might shine brightly with the glory of Jesus Christ, that the world may see HIM!

Think and Pray:

When the world looks at you, what do they see? 


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