Our Hidden Treasure - Himalayan Heights – June 19 Readings: Colossians 2:1-3 – Hidden Treasures


Colossians 1:15-2:15- Christ in You, Your Hope of Glory

All Scripture is God-breathed and useful, but there are some Scriptures that we can consider the Himalayan mountaintops of the Bible. In the next few months, we will be looking at a series of great texts that inspire and move us - the "Himalayan Heights" of God's Word.

Today's Reading:  Colossians 2:1-3

The Colossian church was beset by heresy, one we do not know specifically. All we know for sure is that it hit at the heart of the Gospel and elevated other things above Jesus. Paul told them our faith was all about Jesus. He exalted Jesus and told them that Christ in them was their hope of glory.

Again, read the entire text of Colossians 1:15-2:15 every day, then focus on our featured passage during this week. This week, we exalt Jesus!

For I want you to know how greatly I am struggling for you, for those in Laodicea, and for all who have not seen me in person. I want their hearts to be encouraged and joined together in love, so that they may have all the riches of complete understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery—Christ. In him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Through the Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 24-25, John 19:1–27, Psalm74:17–23, Proverbs 15:18–19

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  Our Hidden Treasure   

In his book "The Weight of Glory" C.S. Lewis said,
“He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.”
That line has been adapted and quoted often. Jim Elliott is often quoted as saying, "He who has Jesus and many things has no more than he who has Jesus alone." Cliches are often trite, but this one actually speaks a deep truth. Colossians 2:3 says that all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Jesus Christ.

The Colossians were caught by a heresy, probably an early form of Gnosticism, that claimed secret knowledge known only to an elite few. The faith was being twisted into a search for hidden mysteries and arcane knowledge. That isn't Christianity. We search for one thing - to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior and to grow in him.

Too often, we present Jesus as the key to other things. Come to Jesus to find health and wealth - we all know that is wrong! Still, we present Jesus as the pathway to contentment, success, happiness, peace, a whole assortment of earthly things. But Jesus is not the key to all of these earthly treasures, Jesus IS the treasure. He is our joy. He is our peace. He is our life.

Oh, yes, there are many great blessings that come to us when we know Jesus, but we must remember that he is the treasure we seek. He isn't the map to our treasure, he is the treasure itself. Some in Colossae were seeking to use Jesus to find treasure, to find earthly things to fulfill them and give them joy. Paul reminded them that he is our everything.

When you have Jesus, you have every resource you need to face every trial, to overcome every obstacle, to endure every persecution, to resist every temptation, to accomplish every work God sets before you. He is every treasure, every blessing we need.

Thank you, Father, for the treasure of your son, Jesus Christ, who is all we need. 

Think and Pray:

What does this verse say about your Christian life? 


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