By God's Power - Himalayan Heights – May 22 Readings: Super 7 – 1 Thessalonians 5:24

 Super 7 - Key Scriptures for All Christians

All Scripture is God-breathed and useful, but there are some Scriptures that we can consider the Himalayan mountaintops of the Bible. In the next few months, we will be looking at a series of great texts that inspire and move us - the "Himalayan Heights" of God's Word.

Today's Reading:  1 Thessalonians 5:24

The "Super 7" refers to 7 passages I consider formative in my Bible Study and Christian life. They are taken from both the Old Testament and the New, various sources and various subjects.

He who calls you is faithful; he will do it.
Today's verse is short and powerful, with a meaning we often overlook.  

Through the Bible Readings: 1 Kings 9-10, John 5:1–29, Psalm 66:1–8, Proverbs13:17-18

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 

Devotional:  By God's Power    

"God will never give more than you can handle."

Can you tell me where that teaching is found in the Bible? Of course you can't, because not only is it not a verse of the Bible, it runs counter to everything the Bible teaches. From Genesis to Revelation, God called his people to tasks that were far beyond their abilities. There are only a few instances in which God called people to tasks at which they had even the remotest chance to succeed.

It is interesting, as you read the Old Testament, how often God called one of his choice servants to a mind-boggling task that caused the person to choke and sputter. Moses begged God to find someone else. Gideon was stunned that God was calling on him. Others had similar experiences. Each time, God gave his servant a promise. "I will be with you." He didn't promise them an easy time or great success, but he promised that he would be there to help them. In fact, when God gave us our Great Commission, to make disciples in all the world, what was his promise? "I am with you always."

This is the "Significant Servant" syndrome that happens throughout the Bible. God reveals his purposes to one of his servants and then lays out his plans for that person. "I am going to flood the earth, now build a boat, Noah." "I am going to deliver Israel, now go to Egypt, Moses." God called them to tasks at which they could not possibly succeed in their own strength and power. The required response is two-fold - obedience and perseverance. They did what God told them to do and then kept on doing it when things got hard. Then, God worked in power.

Here is the key point. God doesn't call us to ministry and tell us "do the best you can." He doesn't leave us on our own to live on the basis of our strength and our ability. He calls us to impossible tasks and when we walk in obedience to him, he accomplishes his mighty works through us.

The who calls you to the tasks of ministry is faithful and "he will do it." That is what our text today says. God accomplishes his work by his power.

Here's the amazing thing. He does that through people like you and me. God could have done it himself or used angels to do the work, but he chooses to use us. He calls us to supernatural, extraordinary work that is beyond our imaginings and then, God accomplishes HIS work in us by HIS power!
Father, thank you for empowering me to do everything you call me to do. 

Think and Pray:

Are you doing anything in your life that clearly demonstrates the power of God?
Are you living in your own strength and power, depending on your own abilities, or are you letting God do his work through you? 


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