The Great I AM - March 22 Readings: John 8:58 Before Abraham, I AM (Read John 8:21-58)

The Story of the Bible from Creation to the Cross to Eternal Glory

In 72 daily readings, we will examine the overall story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, seeking to get the big picture of God's work through Jesus Christ in this sinful world.

Today's Reading:  John 8:58

Read John 8:21-59 to get the full story.

Through the Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 21-22, Luke 1:1–25, Psalm 37:22–28, Proverbs 8:35-36

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 


One of the oddest truths of the gospel stories is that demons and enemies of Christ sometimes seemed to understand him better than his own disciples. Here, in John 8:58, Jesus gives the clearest statement of his divinity in John, other than in John 1, and the religious leaders seem to understand exactly what he is saying. In verse 59 they took up stones to stone him, understanding he was laying out a clear claim to divinity.

Though we have completed our trek through the seven "I Am" statements of Jesus in John's gospel, this passage makes it clear what he meant when he claimed the name I Am.

Devotional: The Great I AM

Jesus evidently did not get the memo that we are always supposed to be positive, affirming, and encouraging in our preaching. In a recent sermon series in which I worked through the Gospels chronologically, I noticed how often Jesus responded forcefully, even provoking the Pharisees and other religious leaders. He never pacified them or compromised with them. Of course, he had the advantage of perfect insight into their hearts and no fleshly desires compromising his own motives, but he was fearless.

In John 8, Jesus has one of his sharpest conflicts, one that ends with the religious leaders trying to stone him for blasphemy and Jesus having to depart from their presence in a miraculous fog.
"You are of this world."
"You will die in your sins." 
These were some of the nicest things that Jesus said to them! When they claimed to have Abraham as their father, Jesus crossed a line that they found unforgivable. He told them in verse 44 that their father was the devil and that they carried out his murderous, deceitful will. You can guess that this accusation was not a popular one.

They respond, in verse 48, by accusing Jesus of being a Samaritan and having a demon. The conversation seems to escalate. Jesus speaks unpalatable truth and religious leaders grow increasingly hostile to him. It boiled over when Jesus said what is recorded in verse 56, that Abraham rejoiced to see the day that Jesus would come. Unforgivable blasphemy, they thought.

"You are not yet fifty years old, and you've seen Abraham?" they queried.

That is when Jesus dropped the bomb on them.
 “Truly I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.”
He did not just claim to preexist Abraham. He could have said, "before Abraham was, I was." That would have been offensive, to lay claim to being some kind of eternal, angelic being. But there can be no question what Jesus claimed. Moses met God at the Burning Bush and God revealed his name. "I am that I am." From that, the name of Yahweh was derived. It was that name we were warned not to take in vain. In Philippians 2:10-11 is an ancient hymn giving us "the rest of the story."
so that at the name of Jesusevery knee will bow—in heaven and on earthand under the earth— and every tongue will confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.
 Note that this passage does not say, "At the name Jesus." It is at the name OF Jesus. What name? The name that was eternally conferred and confirmed on him when he was raised from the dead and highly exalted by the Father. LORD! Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father.

When Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and religious leaders he made a clear claim that make them so angry they wanted to kill him. Before Abraham was even born, "I AM!" I am that I am. He was laying claim to be the God of Creation, the God of their forefathers. He was saying to them, "I am the very God you claim to worship and yet you stand here opposing me!"

A most powerful confrontation!

Father, I worship your Son whom you have exalted and confirmed as the God of Heaven and the Lord of all. May I never take him or his Lordship over my life lightly.

Think and Pray:

Worship Yahweh, the God of heaven and earth, your Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ - the Great I Am! He laid down his life and God exalted him.
Join in the exaltation today!


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