Bearing Fruit - March 21 Readings: John 15, I AM the Vine

The Story of the Bible from Creation to the Cross to Eternal Glory

In 72 daily readings, we will examine the overall story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, seeking to get the big picture of God's work through Jesus Christ in this sinful world.

Today's Reading:   John 15

Through the Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 19-20, Mark 16, Psalm 37:15–21, Proverbs 8:34

If you wish to read through the Bible in a year, follow these readings. 


Today, we look at the last of seven "I Am" statements of Jesus in John's Gospel. They all affirm Jesus' divinity (I Am speaks to Jesus as "Yahweh") and as the source of all we need (bread, water, etc). As we also noted, one consistent theme, explicit in this passage, is the idea that Jesus is the source of ALL life. A branch detached from the vine is dead. To bear fruit, it must be attached and have the life of the vine flowing through it.

Devotional: Bearing Fruit 

Of all the "I Am" statements, this one is the most controversial. Theologians and Bible teachers debate at length the idea of some branches that bear no fruit being cut off and thrown in the fire to be burned. Does this refer to believers losing their salvation for bearing no fruit? (NO) Does it refer to unfruitful believers who are set aside by God as useless? (possibly, but probably not.) Does it refer to those who are part of the church but not part of Christ, those who claim Christ but have never been born again? That would be my view, of course. As is often the case, though, we can sometimes argue controversial points and miss the simple teachings of a passage.

Jesus is our source of life - this is the root truth of this passage. He is the vine and we are the branches. Life and fruitfulness comes from him. There is a certain life in the vine that flows through the branches and produces fruit. We do not produce fruit but simply bear the fruit produced by the vine.

We are the branches - branches attached to the vine have life, but it is never independent of the life of the vine. I have life today, but it is only because the life of Jesus Christ flows through me. I have no eternal or abundant life of my own, but only the life of the Vine himself that lives in me.

The branches exist to bear the fruit of the vine - The purpose of grape branches (in view in this metaphor) is to bear the fruit of the vine. The life is in the vine and the vine produces its fruit in the branch.

The fruit is the expression of the life of the vine - Here is a key point. Fruit is often taught in churches as an evangelistic metaphor. Bearing fruit means leading people to Christ. But bearing fruit is a public manifestation of an outward expression of the inner life of the vine.

When I lived in Florida during high school, our home had several citrus trees - orange, lemon, grapefruit. They all looked alike most of the year. Perhaps an expert could tell the difference but I couldn't. Then, something happened. Small yellow fruit grew on some, medium-sized orange suit on others, and larger yellowish fruit on others. I could tell which tree was which by the fruit that grew on it. Galatians 5 speaks of the fruit of the Spirit demonstrating our walk with Christ.

Fruit speaks of Christlikeness in our daily walk.

Inside the fruit is the seed of new life - It is when fruit is produced that new life grows. Perhaps we have forgotten this aspect. Our gospel presentations will not be effective unless people see in us the fruit of Jesus Christ. It is when our lives produce the fruit of Christ that new life will be produced.

The Father will work on us to produce greater fruit - make no mistake, the Father loves us but is invested primarily in our fruitfulness, not our comfort or happiness. If I am bearing fruit, he will work in me to make me more and more like Christ, to bear more fruit. That work will never stop until it is finished.

Thank you, Father, for refusing to give up until the work of Christ is complete and I am completely conformed to the image of Jesus. I have failed you many times but I am grateful that you never stop your work of conforming me to the image of Jesus.

Think and Pray:

What would be the best description of your life? Bearing no fruit (of Christlikeness)? Bearing little fruit? Bearing much fruit?
Ask God what he would do in you to prune you and allow you to bear more fruit.  


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