"A Psalm for Christmas" December 25 Readings: Zechariah 5-6, Revelation 15–16, Psalm 147:1–7, Proverbs 31:14–16

Hope all of you have a VERY Merry Christmas, worshiping Christ!

Today's ReadingsZechariah 5-6, Revelation 15–16, Psalm 147:1–7, Proverbs 31:14–16

Devotional - A Psalm for Christmas


I'm going to keep this short today since you and I both have a lot to do. There are presents to open and gooses to cook (if you are the Cratchit family) and families to enjoy.

Christmas has become about so many things in America. It's about Santa and elves and blockbuster movies and parties. We try at Southern Hills to keep the focus where it needs to be, on Jesus Christ, his birth, and what that really means in the long term. But let's face it, Christmas is about presents. "What do you want for Christmas?" Been to the mall? Sam's? Or, horror of horror, Walmart? We are bankrupting ourselves to buy gifts for our kids (and grandkids!).

But as I read the seven verses of Psalm 147, I was reminded of a very important truth. The greatest gifts in life are not ones you can wrap and put under a tree! They are not gifts you can open, play with and break. No, the greatest gifts are those that God gave to us through Jesus Christ. God heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds (verse 3). He is great and worthy of praise because of his abundant power (verse 5) and he lifts up the humble. This psalm goes on to recount the goodness of God and his love and mercy.

It ends with the simple Hebrew command, "hallelujah." Praise the Lord. Do it! Remember on this day of family and presents and food and festivity that the greatest blessing you have is Jesus and the eternal work of grace he has done in your life.

Father, I thank you that Christmas is more than a fairy tale used as an excuse for festivities. It is your work of grace begun. Thank you for Jesus. May his name be praised. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

On this day, take a few moments to thank God for the wonderful gift he gave you - his Son to save you from your sins - and all the precious blessings that flow from that.


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