"In a Dark Hour" July 22 Readings: Esther 3-4, Acts 18:1–17, Psalm 86:1–8, Proverbs 18:6–8

Today's ReadingsEsther 3-4, Acts 18:1–17, Psalm 86:1–8, Proverbs 18:6–8

Devotional - In a Dark Hour

The Psalms have such variety. They ascend the heights of God's glory and plumb the depths of human wickedness. There is hardly an emotion, a life issue or an aspect of a man's relationship with God that is not explored at some point.

But the most common of all of these topics is human pain and suffering. The Psalmist asks why. He rages and moans. He calls out to God for sustaining grace, provision, and protection. In Psalm 86, David delves into many of these issues.

We don't know what the provocation was for this psalm. It could have been a betrayal by one of his friends, an attack from an enemy, or some other grief or hardship in life. Perhaps it is best that we do not know what was troubling David since each of us has different struggles and troubles, none of which was likely common to the king of Israel. One of you who reads this may be struggling with illness, dealing with the devastation of a diagnosis that horrified you. Or perhaps it is finances - you are drowning in debt or your job is in jeopardy. Many suffer from the most common and painful of struggles as they live with their daily concern over a spouse or a child or some other family member who is far from God and making choices that are foolish and destructive. There are myriad struggles that life can throw at us, but David's response to his struggle is a model to us all.

In verse 1, we learn two things - both what he did and how he did it.
Listen, Lord, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
He brought his pain and suffering to the God who cared about him and he came in an attitude of humility and weakness. He did not stride into God's presence in pride demanding his rights, but came as "poor and needy" asking God to hear and answer his prayers. He realized that even though on earth he might have been king, his earthly standing meant nothing before heaven. He needed God's grace as much as the pauper or beggar.

We see another attitude in verse 5 that is essential. He recognized sin as an impediment to prayer and he came to God for grace and forgiveness.
For you, Lord, are kind and ready to forgive,
abounding in faithful love to all who call on you.
He was not coming to demand what he had earned but to seek the grace of a God who forgives sin (through Christ, we now know!). He sought the undeserved favor of God. David lays claim, even in this psalm, to being "godly" and a servant of God. But he also realizes that he is what he is because of what God has done for him.

David was persistent in prayer, call out to God (verse 3) "all the day." His prayers were constant, fervent and faithful. God knows our needs and desires, and he hears our prayers, but the Bible makes it clear that he responds to persistent prayer by his people.

When life was hard, David turned to God and called out to him. And every time, he found God faithful. God heard his prayers and forgave him, delivered him, provided for him and protected him.

Father, when I am in distress, may I do as David did and seek you. Thank you for being a good, loving and forgiving God who gives me what I don't deserve - your forgiveness and love. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you take your problems, your hurts, and your pains, to God? Or do you suffer in silence or complain to others?
When you pray, are you humble or demanding?
Always remember that our God is gracious and forgiving.


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