"THE Evidence of the Spirit" June 29 Readings: 2 Chronicles 15-16, Acts 4:23–37, Psalm 78:19–25, Proverbs 16:10–11

Today's Readings2 Chronicles 15-16, Acts 4:23–37, Psalm 78:19–25, Proverbs 16:10–11

Devotional - THE Evidence of the Spirit

Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?
More specifically, how can anyone know that?

Much theological discussion, debate and even disagreement have been devoted to the question of what marks the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Some have asserted, contrary to the observation of this pastor, that those who are full of the Spirit are no longer subject to sin, but attain perfection in this life. Would that it was so, but it is certainly not my experience. Of course, the debate has raged throughout my life as to whether tongues or any other manifestation of the Holy Spirit is a necessary evidence of the fullness of the Spirit. It is not the purpose of a devotional like this to address such a topic.

But when we examine the book of Acts, there is one universal evidence of the fullness of the Spirit. Nothing else happens every single time the Spirit shows up in power except this one event. It would be well for us to take note of this.
"...they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness." 
Throughout Acts, one thing happened universally when the Spirit-filled believers - they proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ boldly. At Pentecost, many things happened, but the Word of God was proclaimed in power. In Samaria, in Caesarea, in every place the Spirit's fullness appears, those filled with the Spirit proclaim Christ. 

I can remember a dear old man in my last church who would come up to me after a particularly stirring or enthusiastic service and say, "You could really feel the Spirit here tonight, couldn't you, Dave?" And I know what he meant. There was "a sweet, sweet Spirit" in the place. 

But not enthusiastic worship, vibrant music, stirring preaching, or any emotion produced by these is a true marker of the work of the Spirit among the people of God. The primary work of the Spirit is to glorify Christ and if I am filled with the Spirit then that will be my goal. If the Spirit is filling me, my soul will overflow with love for Christ and I will desire to make the gospel known to the entire world. More than that, all my fear - of rejection, of the reactions of people, of ridicule - will be overpowered and I will boldly speak of Christ. 

So, you can have warm, emotional worship experiences, all sorts of spiritual manifestations, or any other perceived evidence of the Spirit's presence and power. But if the result is not the proclamation of the gospel, the desire to make Christ known in the world, it is not truly the fullness of the Spirit that is being experienced, 

When the fullness of the Spirit falls, the name of Jesus rises!
Father, may the name of your Son rise on my lips as the Spirit fills every part of my being. May fear fall away in the desire to exalt the Name above all names. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Does your life give the one true evidence of the filling of the Spirit?
Do you devote your life to making Jesus Christ known in this world?
Do you tell others about the difference that Jesus has made in your life? 


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