"Jesus the Divider" May 29 Readings: 2 Kings 1-2, John 7:40–8:11, Psalm 68:22–28, Proverbs 14:7-8

Today's Readings2 Kings 1-2, John 7:40–8:11, Psalm 68:22–28, Proverbs 14:7-8

Devotional - Jesus the Divider

It is a constant refrain in politics. "I want to unite the country." "I'm a uniter, not a divider," said one former president. It is also a theme heard continually in the church. We love unity and we should. God does not bless or use the divided church.

But we sometimes forget the nature of unity. Unity in the church is the product of division. God calls us out of the world and we must walk away. We must turn our backs on sin and turn to Christ with full hearts. We stand against the ways of the sinful world and live by different values. Jesus told his disciples that he did not come to bring peace but to bring a sword.

In John 7 he did just that. He appeared at the Feast of Booths and began to preach. In verse 25, "some of the people" drew a conclusion. This must be the Christ, the Messiah we've awaited so long. In verse 31 they asked if the Messiah would be expected to do any more signs than this man had done. This was him.

But others had another opinion. Verses 43-44 say that a great division arose among the people and some wanted to arrest him. Some believed in him and others wanted to arrest him.

If you want everyone to love you, serving Christ is not your best choice. For everyone who loves and supports you, there will be those who oppose you, who think you are crazy, stupid, evil, or dangerous. The first step in uniting with Christ is rejecting the world. The first step in uniting around Christ is separating from the world.

Christians should always pursue unity with one another, being gracious, willing to forgive, to show love, to go the second mile. But we must understand that our unity within the Body comes at a cost. We cannot be one with Christ and please the world too. We cannot walk in spiritual unity while also being part of this sinful world. It just doesn't work that way!

The call to come to Christ is a call the leave something behind. Christ unites us, but only after he divides us from our sin and from this sinful world. The world that hated him will sometimes hate us.

Father, help me to live for your glory and honor, not to be loved by the world or to receive its approval. Remind me daily that the fear of man is a snare. 

Think and Pray

Which of the readings spoke most powerfully to you today?
Is the Spirit of God moving you to repent of something you are doing, to begin something new, or to change something about your life as a result of your readings? What?

Do you live for other's approval or by other's opinions?
Do you fear what others will say about you and allow that to govern your actions?

Remember that the call to serve Jesus is also a call to reject the will of man and the ways of the world. Think and pray about what that might look like in your life. 


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