"When the Enemy Attacks" June 22 Readings: Ezra 1-6, Psalm 137

Today's Reading - Ezra 1-6, Psalm 137


Several of the books of the Hebrew Old Testament seem to have originally been one book and were divided into two. This is true of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles, which were likely divided because of the length of the scrolls. It seems that originally Ezra and Nehemiah may have been one book and were later separated, though that is less clear.

Ezra is of priestly descent and his task is to bring Israel back not just to the LAND but to the LAW. They had returned to Jerusalem but not to God. He led a revival after God had orchestrated a return.

The order of the Ezra and Nehemiah is significant theologically, even if it is not chronological. First, the decree comes in which God was at work by his sovereign power among the nations. Then, the Temple was rebuilt, then the community was purified under Ezra, then the walls were rebuilt under the ministry of Nehemiah. God's activity, the building of a place of worship, heart restoration, then physical protection.

Psalm 137 is the exiles lament, sung by those in Babylon about their return to Israel.

Devotional - When the Enemy Attacks 

"I can't believe he said that."
"If people aren't going to support me, then I will find something else to do." 

Christians today are remarkably easy to discourage. People will begin a ministry and assume that when they do they will receive encouragement and support and applause for what they do. There is little support for that biblically. In fact, the opposition is pretty much true. When someone was called by God to a task they pretty much always faced severe opposition and persecution.

Folks, they crucified Jesus!

God worked a mighty act of power in the heart of a pagan emperor to get a decree for Israel to return to their homeland, recorded here in Ezra 1. The people of God were excited to return to their devastated homeland and begin the process of rebuilding. (We know it actually took some time for the rebuilding to start - Haggai tells of this.)

Progress was coming along nicely until, as Ezra 4 and 5 records, opposition began to arise. That hurts. Here they were doing to work of God and people stood up to oppose them. If they were like many evangelicals today, they'd get their feelings hurt and they'd quit. But that is not what they did. They continued to do what God had told them to do and they faced the opposition with faith.

The God who had gathered them protected them. The great victories of God do not come only through obedience but through perseverance as we continue to work in the power of God. Had Israel gotten discouraged and given up the Temple would not have been rebuilt. There would have been no Temple for Jesus to have worshiped in when he came to earth.

My Christian friend, you have a call from God on your life but it will often be hard. The challenge is not only to obey God but to continue to serve him through opposition, through discouragement, through failure, and through suffering. Great victories are won after great struggle. God does not protect us from enemies but empower us to overcome them.

Father, may I be courageous and strong when I answer your call. 

Think and Pray

Do you get discouraged easily when you are serving God?
Do you quit when opposition arises?


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