"Seduced" May 30 Readings: Jeremiah 7-12

Today's Reading - Jeremiah 7-12


Jeremiah began his prophecies during the reign of Josiah and continued even after the fall of Jerusalem. He suffered many hardships and great resistance but God continued to give him greater and more difficult messages to preach. He is called the weeping prophet because he preached judgment with sadness.

Devotional - Seduced

These early chapters of Jeremiah's prophecy reveal a series of key, repeated themes - messages that God gave to the prophet. We will examine four of them. The people of God have been seduced by the ways of sin and by the lies of the false prophets.

The first three are clearly delineated in Jeremiah 9:13-14.

The Lord said, “It is because they abandoned my instruction, which I set before them, and did not obey my voice or walk according to it. Instead, they followed the stubbornness of their hearts and followed the Baals as their fathers taught them.”
The people have done three unimaginable things here.

1) They abandoned the teaching and instruction of the Lord and refused to obey him.

They had the Ten Suggestions and viewed God's Word as optional to life. They chose not to walk according to the ways of the Lord.

2) Instead, they followed their own stubborn hearts. 

"Do what your heart tells you to do." "If it comes from inside you, it can't be wrong." We hear messages like that on a daily basis. But God's Word makes it clear that these are lies from hell. In Proverbs 3 we are told that a wise man "does NOT lean on his own understanding." Here, relying on your own heart is a significant step in the path of walking away from God.

3) They followed after Baals. 

Idolatry. It was the first thing commanded against in the Commandments and it seemed to be the thing that angered God the most. He was compassionate with those who failed, but those who abandoned him to follow after false gods, those who committed spiritual adultery, were dealt with in harsh terms.

Of course, today we no longer do anything as uncouth as build our own idols. But do not be deceived, we have them nonetheless. Americans are as idolatrous as any nation has ever been. Money. Power. Popularity. Pleasure. Self. We put so many things ahead of God.

4) They listened to false teachers who told them God didn't care. 

Look back at Jeremiah 8:11.

They have treated the brokenness
of my dear people superficially,
claiming, ‘Peace, peace,’
when there is no peace.
Behind every errant saint there is a false prophet telling him that God doesn't care about his sin. God loves you just the way you are (absolutely true). His love is not based on your merit or righteousness (Amen! Hallelujah). You are accepted in Christ (Glory be!)  So it's not that big of a deal whether you walk in righteousness, live holy lives, resist sin or seek God with a whole heart (Lie straight from the pit of hell!).  

Throughout the Old Testament, the false prophets preached "Peace, peace" when there is no peace. God required repentance and a return to him. The prophets said the people were a-okay with God whether they repented or not. They lied. 

Father, I thank you that I am secure in Christ. But help me to obey your word not follow my own understanding. Tear down the idols of my heart and help me to listen to your truth not the liars' lies. 

Think and Pray

Do you see the similarities between the false prophets and much of modern American religion?
Do you live obediently and faithfully or are you following in the footsteps of Judah?


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