"The Folly of Independence" February 19 Readings: Joshua 9-12

Today's Reading - Joshua 9-12


There are three major thrusts in the Conquest of Canaan. First, there is the Southern Campaign. After Jericho and Ai, Israel fought the Battle of the Five Kings recorded in today's reading - famous for the sun standing still. Then there was the Northern Campaign, recorded in chapters 11-12, along with a summary. The third section, which takes up most of the rest of the book, is what I call "Divide and Conquer." Each of the tribes is given their section of land to conquer. It is here where failure begins to creep in, as they do not drive out the inhabitants.

Devotional - The Folly of Independence

The contrast throughout Joshua is stark. When Israel consults God, depends on him, and does battle in his power, they are undefeated, unconquerable, and fearsome - the nations quake. The walls of Jericho come tumbling down. Five powerful armies are destroyed. The great kings of the north are brought into submission. Depending on God, Israel was unstoppable.

And still, they so often failed to depend on God!

Why? Why would people who have seen the power of God and his provision for them so consistently fail to trust him? Why would they attempt to do in their own power what God had shown them he would willingly do for them?

I don't know. I'd call them idiots, but I tend to do the same thing myself. When I have walked in obedience and faith, God has not let me down, but all too often I've followed the fleshly path of the Israelites and devised my own "do-it-yourself" scheme. They never work and usually cause great problems!

In Joshua 9 a group of men showed up begging Israel for mercy. They looked raggedy, as if they had traveled far to get there. They claimed to be from far away and wanted to make a treaty of peace. No problem, the Israelites said. They made the oath. There was one problem, though. The Gibeonites were lying. They were a Canaanite tribe, one of the peoples that God had told them not to make treaties with.

Joshua and the Israelites never bothered to ask God whether they should make the deal, they did it on their own. They were stuck in a deal that violated God's word because they'd failed to seek God's will before they acted.

We must always seek God and walk in obedience. Living independently of God never works out that well for his people. When we operate in our own wisdom apart from the direction of God, we invariably err.

God's word is true and he leads us right!

Father, forgive me for when I have walked in independence, doing what I want to do without submitting to your will and way. Help me to walk daily in full obedience to you. 

Think and Pray

Are you independent, living as you please, or do you walk in obedience, dependent on Jesus Christ in all you do?


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