"Success" February 17 Readings: Joshua 1-4

Today's Reading - Joshua 1-4


There is no issue in the early chapters of Joshua with a lack of interesting and exciting stories. Joshua begins with the eponymous character's being established as the leader of Israel. He then guides the people through the Jordan at flood stage into the Promised Land.

The crossing of the Jordan is a great story of faith. Remember, it was flood stage and God said that he would only stop the river once they stepped in. Step in first, then God does his work! Faith precedes the miracle. We often want to sit back and say, "God, open the door and I will walk through." God says, "Walk through the door in obedience, and I will open it."


As much as we talk about success in America today, and in American religion, it is not a word that appears often in the Scriptures. Many have tried to twist the Bible to make it into a manual for earthly success - helping me get all I want and all I need in this world. The Bible is about the outworking of God's glorious purposes in this world, not about how we can accomplish our purposes.

But there is one instruction, given to Joshua as he assumed leadership of Israel, that spelled out exactly how he could be successful in the job God assigned to him.

And, wow, did he ever need that help! Joshua was given a huge assignment from God. He had to follow Moses, a man who rivals King David, Elijah and the Apostle Paul as among the great heroes of the Bible (not counting Jesus - he's the real hero of every page). Following a man like Moses was going to be tough. We all know that Israel was not exactly a compliant people, either. They were rebellious, whiny, wayward - difficult in every way. And, of course, the task was daunting. Joshua had to lead Israel into a hostile land, make that land their own and destroy all the pagan nations currently residing there.

No easy task.

But God gave Joshua a path to success, a plan so that he could do well the work God had given to him. Strangely, that plan for success had nothing to do with self-esteem, long range planning, aggression and self-assertion, motivational phrases or any of those issues our leadership gurus say are crucial.

In fact, there was only one simple thing that God said Joshua needed to do to achieve success in his eyes. God's motivational speech is recorded in Joshua 1:8.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
All Joshua had to do was to carefully read, learn and obey what God had said. The word of God was the key to his success. If he would carefully observe everything written in the Law, he would prosper and have success in all that he would do. 

Not too complicated, is it? 

Obey God. Do what the Word commands. Success does not come from aggression, self-esteem, strategy or organizational skill. Success comes from doing what God says - doing all of what God says all the time. 

Verse 9 explains the foundation of this promise of success. 
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Though his job was daunting and the people he led difficult, Joshua need not be afraid or discouraged, because God would be with him throughout the process. But that promise of God's presence does not stand out there on its own. 

Joshua was promised the presence and power of God with him as he walked in obedience to God. If he disobeyed, he would not experience the glory of God's presence. 

We can only expect to experience the presence and power of God in our lives as we walk in obedience to God and his Word. We cannot flaunt God's Word and walk our own ways and still expect to succeed in life. 

It's about obedience and submission to the Word of God. 

Father, your Word is truth and is my key to success in serving you. May I walk in your ways every day. 

Think and Pray

Are you strong and courageous in your obedience to God and to his word?
Are you willing to risk everything to follow the Word of God?


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