"Jars of Clay; Treasures of Christ" September 20 Readings Isaiah 50-51, 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 107:1–7, Proverbs 23:13–14

Today's Readings - Isaiah 50-51, 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 107:1–7, Proverbs 23:13–14


Do you have a favorite passage of Scripture? I've always maintained that the Mt. Everest of the Bible is Romans 8. There are other great chapters as well - Psalm 23, Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 13, too many to count. But in my book, 2 Corinthians 4 deserves a place in any listing of great passages of Scripture, especially if you include chapter 5 with it. There are so many amazing truths in this passage. This passage is a deep well and we could never draw all the sustenance from it, but here is some cold water for your soul.

Let's examine a few of the gems from this wonderful chapter.

1) "But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways"(4:2)

Other translations talk about "secret, shameful things." The church is all too often filled with secret things - behind the scenes power struggles, manipulation by leaders, phone calling campaigns to enlist support, lies, gossip, schemes. The life of faith rejects all of these. We trust in God and do what is right. There is no need for church politics or manipulation, because we trust the Holy Spirit to do his work.

2) "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ." (4:4)

Ever gotten frustrated because someone you care about just won't receive the gospel? You share and share but they just don't get it. They find the gospel ridiculous or are unwilling to yield their lives to Christ. It is sad when that happens, but it ought not be a surprise.

This world is governed by a sinful mindset, one that is under the dominion of the lies of Satan. Unbelieving minds are enslaved by these lies until the Word of God comes to them and the Spirit opens their hearts. Pray that God's spirit will open the hearts and minds of those with whom you share. That is their only hope.

3) "The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (4:6) 

That is what God does in our lives; he shines the light of Christ in the darkness of our hearts. Christianity is not just a religion, or a set of doctrines, or a list of rules. It is the light of Jesus Christ shining in us and through us. It is Jesus, invading our lives with all of his glory.

4) "We have this treasure in jars of clay." (4:7) 

What a wonderful statement of true biblical self-esteem. We are simply clay jars. Simple, normal, average pots made of clay. But inside of us is a treasure - the glory of God. Our worth, our value, our esteem comes not from who we are but who dwells within us.  We are not treasures, but as believers we contain a treasure. Jesus dwells in us.

5) "Persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed."  (4:9)

Those who understand that they are jars of clay indwelled by the treasure of Jesus Christ are able to hang on and persevere, even when evil people or unfortunate circumstances attack their clay. Life, for the believer, is not about the comfort of the clay but the display of the glorious light of the treasure within. So, when suffering comes, the jar of clay continues for the sake of the treasure within.

6) "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." (4:17)

What an amazing statement, especially when you consider that Paul's afflictions would be called light by no one who understood them. He was pursued, persecuted, beaten, abandoned, and worse. But he had also been granted a visit into heaven and he knew that the glory of that place would make the suffering of this world seem insignificant for those jars of clay containing the treasures of Christ.

7) Therefore we do not lose heart. (4:16) 

Though this is actually out of order, it is perhaps the key teaching of this entire chapter. We don't give up, don't lose heart when the hard times come, because we know we contain the treasure of Christ and we await an incomparable weight of glory that will be eternal.

You are probably thinking right now, "Dave, you missed the best one!" I might have. I admitted from the start that this would not be exhaustive, but incomplete. Feel free to share your insights in the comments.
Father, thank you for placing in me, a simple jar of clay, the treasure of Christ. May I remember who dwells in me and live in light of that. I long for that day when the eternal weight of glory will be mine. 

Think and Pray

Does one of these 7 gems of truth strike you today? Does one of these truths meet a particular need or speak to a specific situation in your life? 


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