"Disdaining God's Blessings February 28 Readings: Numbers 11-12, Mark 6:1-29, Psalm 30, Proverbs 7:10-12

Through the Bible in 2021 Bible Readings: Numbers 11-12, Mark 6:1-29, Psalm 30, Proverbs 7:10-12 Daily Devotional: Disdaining God's Blessings The people of Israel sank to many depths through their years of existence, turning away from God to idols, debasing themselves in so many ways. But there were few times that God was as angry with Israel as he was in the beginning verses of Numbers 11. In verse 1, he actually trained his fiery wrath on his own people as he had centuries before against Sodom and Gomorrah. And later, in verse 10, he was again very angry. And what was their sin this time? It was not idolatry. It was not adultery. It was not debauchery or drunkenness. None of those things. It was something much more common, even universal. They were complaining! Griping. Murmuring. And God found this complaining as such an insult that he rained fire down on the camp. Why was God so angry? Because Israel was disdaining the blessings God...