"My Warrior God" January 31 Readings: Exodus 15-16, Matthew 20, Psalm 18:19-25, Proverbs 3:34-35

Through the Bible in 2021 Bible Readings: Exodus 15-16, Matthew 20, Psalm 18:19-25, Proverbs 3:34-35 Daily Devotional: My Warrior God One of the best reasons to read the Bible through is to learn who God really is as he is revealed in the Word. There are times that God is confusing and his actions baffling. But we must encounter the real God, the God of the Bible, and conform our lives to him. We must not seek to make God fit into our preconceptions. Americans who get their ideas from popular culture and opinion will find Exodus 15:3 to be very strange. This verse is a part of the song of victory which Moses and the Israelites sang after God crushed Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea. Think about that for a second. God caused thousands of men to be drowned at the bottom of the Red Sea! Does that fit with modern ideas about God? We like to emphasize God's love and mercy, and well we should. God's love motivated him to provid...