"Caring for Souls" September 30 Readings: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8

Today's Reading - 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8 Background Remembering the books that Paul wrote on his missionary journeys is easier than you think. On his first journey, Paul wrote ONE letter. Galatians. On his second journey, Paul wrote TWO letters. First and Second Thessalonians. On his third journey, Paul wrote (guess) THREE letters. Romans. First and Second Corinthians. On his fourth journey (the prison trip), Paul wrong FOUR letters. Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. After his release, during his second imprisonment, and just before his execution, Paul wrote three more letters to individuals. Titus, First and Second Timothy. That's thirteen in all. I am convinced that Paul did not write Hebrews. Though I am no Greek scholar, the style of the Greek in Hebrews is not that which Paul wrote. It is more formal - I suspect it might be Apollos, but no one knows for sure. I'm only sure it's NOT Paul. Paul visited Thessalonica after he l...