"It Is about Him" April 30 Readings: 2 Kings 1-5

Today's Reading - 2 Kings 1-5 Background Originally, 1 and 2 Kings (the same is true of 1 and 2 Chronicles) were one book, but they were separated to keep the scrolls from becoming too big. At the beginning of 2 Kings we see the transition from Elijah to Elisha. Elijah is taken up into heaven and Elisha receives a double portion of his power. Devotional - It Is about Him Sometimes, we forget what it is all about - no, WHO it is all about. Elijah was a great man of God, one of the greatest found in the pages of the Bible. He was a man of uncompromising conviction who stood up to Ahab and Jezebel and proclaimed God's truth. His confrontation with the false prophets on Mt. Carmel was one of those truly inspiring moments. But now he was gone. In 2 Kings 2:11, Elijah was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind, carried by chariots and horses of fire. It must have seemed to many that the glory was gone, the power was gone, even the hope was gone from Israel. But it was not. When he le...